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Applying a bioeconomic optimal control model to charcoal production: the case of slash-and-burn agriculture in Mexico Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Arrocha,Fernando; Villena,Mauricio G.
This paper analyzes the relationship between rural poverty and forest land management for the case of charcoal production under slash-and-burn agriculture. An optimal control model is used to determine how a representative household makes decisions about the allocation of labor and about the forest areas to exploit. In turn, these decisions affect the renewable resource base available to the community. The proposed optimal control model for charcoal production is based on the Pascual and Barbier (2007) model of slash-and-burn agriculture. This theoretical model is calibrated with data from the community of Chunkanán, Campeche, Mexico. The simulation and comparison of the traditional slash-and-burn approach to forest management with the Forest Management...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Charcoal production; Forest management; Rural poverty; Rural households.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Transportation costs, agricultural expansion and tropical deforestation: Theory and evidence from Peru Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Lucich,Iván M; Villena,Mauricio G; Quinteros,María José.
The growth of urban areas adjacent to forest areas, as well as international trade growth, has accelerated the demand for food. These areas of growth have led to the deforestation of tropical forests, a process that contributes negatively to climate change, and a decline in the provision of environmental services and biodiversity. This article seeks to propose and simulate a theoretical model of optimal control at the household level. This model is used to explain the dynamics of forest loss by expansion of the agricultural frontier. Under these conditions, based on tradable permanent crops, farmers decide whether to install new areas for cultivation or manage existing ones in a context of increasing transportation costs. We simulate a theoretical model...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Agriculture; Deforestation; Transportation costs; Peruvian Amazon.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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